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News for 24 May 2005
Randie had her follow-up appointment with her surgeon Dr. Walton. He was surprised on how big Randie is now since her last visit. He checked her incision site and poked around her tummy a bit and said she is doing great :) He hopes she does not have any problems in the future with her appendix since they did not remove it but said she looks great and there is no need to come back and see him. :)

News for 18 May 2005
Randie went for her growth and Development appointment today. The doctor says she is doing great and she is right where she should be for her corrected age. She had a screaming fit while at the appointment, so much so that they called the pediatrician on call to come and see her. It so happens that it was Randie's pedi Dr, Cheung. By the time the doctor actually came down Randie was sleeping and seemed fine :)

News for 30 April 2005
Randie rolled by accident today!! She seemed pretty stunned after she did it but we had her on her tummy and her arms propped up under her. She just tipped over and found herself on her back once again! Way to roll Randie!!

News for 25 April 2005
Randie had another visit to the pediatician today. We found out RSV season still is not quite over so Randie had to have another synagis shot. Nope, she did not like it this time either. She did however weigh in at 12lbs 14oz :) YAY!! for Randie. She is catching up good to the other kids. Hopefully soon she can go out visiting!

News for 7 April 2005
Randie laughed out loud today while in her cradle swing. She also laughed at Daddy! Guess she thinks he is pretty funny looking :)

News for 24 March 2005
Randie went to see her pediatrician Dr. Cheung today and had her Synagis shot to protect her from RSV. Of course Randie was not a happy girl but hopefully this will be the last one she needs for this season. Other than that she is doing great! Her growth is right on schedule. Yay!

News for 8 March 2005
Randie went to see Dr. Harding today and had her 4 month immunizations and also a shot for Prevnar. Needless to say she was not a happy girl.

News for 23 February 2005
Randie paid a visit to Dr. Cheung today for a general check-up and another Synagis injection to immunise against RSV.

News for 22 February 2005
Today Randie had her follow-up visit with Dr. Walton, the surgeon who performed her bowel surgery. Everything looked good and a further visit is scheduled for 3 months time.

News for 16 February 2005
Randie had her neonatal growth and development follow-up at McMaster today. Dr. Rosenbaum said that Randie was doing very well, and he also told Tonya and I that we are doing great and are knowledgable for first time parents. This made us feel pretty good!

News for 15 February 2005
Randie's second eye examination was today. Dr. Hirsch said that Randie's eyes are developing just fine!

News for 6 February 2005
Randie was discharged from hospital today! Her inscision will take 7-10 days to heal fully, but apart from that she is doing great and eating very well!

News for 4 February 2005
Today, Randie was moved from the ICU to a pediatric ward! She is doing very well and her swelling has now reduced considerably. Before "real" food starts, Randie will be worked up on Pedialyte, starting at 5ccs and increasing by 5ccs every 4 hours. Until feeding proper begins, Randie's central-line will be providing potassium and TPN for nutrition.

News for 3 February 2005
Randie was extubated from the ventilator today, and is doing very well. Her swelling has reduced a little more and the doctors are very happy with her progress. The ICU nurses told us tonight that they cannot get enough of cuddling with our cute little Randie and are almost (not quite) fighting over her!

News for 2 February 2005
Randie is recovering very well. The swelling (caused somewhat by high fluid levels) has reduced a little thanks to the albumin. Major milestone reached today was Randie's first bowel movement since her surgery! Extubation from the ventilator was considered for today, but it was decided to leave her on the ventilator for one more night, as she had had an eventful day!

News for 31 January 2005
Randie is currently in the ICU, breathing with the aid of a ventilator so that she can rest and recover. Most of Randie's body has swelled quite a lot, as is generally normal after major surgery, although her albumin level is quite low, so she will be given albumin as part of her treatment. She will also be continued on antibiotics and will be given fresh frozen blood plasma until her blood clotting factor starts to return to normal.

News for 30 January 2005
Further X-rays and other testing showed that Randie has an infection which is being treated with antibiotics, and also an obstruction in her lower intestine called a stricture, which required immediate surgery. The surgeon Dr. Walton explained to us before Randie was taken to the OR that the surgery would take about 2 1/2 hours, and that a small part of the intestine would probably have to be removed. We were so relieved when Dr. Walton came to us after the surgery to tell us that the stricture was actually being caused by scar tissue (possibly caused by Randie's previous episodes of Necrotizing Enterocolitis), and that he was able to remove the stricture without having to remove any of the intestine. Randie will now spend 2-3 days in ICU, and a further 5-6 days on a ward recovering from her surgery. We are so proud of our brave little girl - what a fighter she is!

News for 29 January 2005
Investigations into Randie's worsening vomiting continued with blood tests etc, and an attempt was made to draw some spinal fluid for analysis via a lumbar puncture, but unfortunately this was not successful. Randie is still being fed formula, and she now has an IV providing fluids for re-hydration. The doctors explained to us that there could be a number of causes for Randie's vomiting, including Milk Intollerance, Reflux or Pyloric Stenosis (which is a problem with the stomach requiring surgery). Randie has now begun to throw up bile, which is a further concern for us and her doctors.

News for 28 January 2005
We are now very concerned about Randie's feeding, and decided to take her to see Dr. Cheung, who was concerned that Randie now weighs less than her hospital discharge weight. The doctor called ahead to McMaster Hospital and we took Randie to the ER there, where she was assessed and admitted. X-rays were taken of Randie's stomach area and investigation started into why Randie is vomiting so much.

News for 27 January 2005
Today's visit to Dr. Harding was not so good, as we found that Randie has actually lost some weight. So far today Randie has been throwing up at 90% of her feeds, sometimes all of the formula.

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